We've gone Map Crazy, part II!
Last week, we admitted to going a little Map Crazy!
Apparently, we aren't the only ones. Since that post, some 40,000+
map freaks per day have perused our humble little cartographic collection our sister blog, essays & effluvia.
Well, Democracy is all about giving the people what they want. Apparently, what they want is more maps, dammit.
Who am I to stand in the way of a popular uprising? Here's the latest batch:
Voting: Free versus Slave States
Look how far we’ve come as a countryRed States Feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed
So much for self-relianceCartograms of the 2004 US presidential election
Land doesn't vote, people do -- that's what this map depictsPopulation Density Electoral Map
Most of the Red States are actually empty spaces (compare this with the next map)
2004 U.S. Presidential Election Results by County (pop density)
showing the more heavily populated counties in 3D displayRed & Blue World
The world couldn't vote -- but if they did
(this map reflects populace, not governments)The Kids Are Alright
How did the young'uns vote, and where?County-by-County vote, with Population
More purple than red or blueBlue and Red within States
States are actually fairly evenly divided (duh, 51-48)Demographics versus Geography
When you finally tire of maps, here's the Demographic breakdown
I suspect this will be it for map madness. If I have overlooked any truly outstanding maps of interest -- kindly send a note to thebigpicture -at- optonline -dot- net .
Wednesday, November 10, 2004 | 12:10 AM | Permalink
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» Maps and More Maps from Blogs
Have y'all seen Jesusland? I dunno. I don't think the Canadians will have us. But if you are feeling a [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 10, 2004 1:28:00 PM
» Young Americans from collision detection
In the wake of my recent posting about the politics of map-making in the recent election, Barry Ritholt sent me an interesting collection of maps he's been gathering, representing different slices of data -- including population densities, how previou... [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 17, 2004 2:32:33 AM
The maps are a real resource for analysis. Thanks for posting them.
One stat to think about: Kerry and Bush split the women's vote here in Ohio.
If Kerry had benefited from the gender gap seen in previous elections, Ashcroft and Evans still would have resigned, but for different reasons.
Posted by: Kurt Landefeld | Nov 10, 2004 10:05:28 AM
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