Alaska is Melting . . .
It seems that the melting polar ice is becoming more of a concern to Alaskans than those of us in the lower 48.
click for larger graphic
courtesy of Anchorage Daily News
Thank goodness there's no Global Warming -- imagine how much more of Alaska would be melting if there was!
See also:
The truth about global warming >
A world of evidence says global warming is real >
Permafrost-thawing concern deepens
PERMAFROST: Computer scenario shows rising temperatures could melt top 11 feet in Alaska by 2100.
Anchorage Daily News, December 25, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005 | 03:30 PM | Permalink
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Of course the icecaps have to melt to spread the water from time to time back to the rest of the world.
Otherwise we'd end up like Mars. There once was water flow on Mars. But over the centuries all the water that ever came in contact with the polar icecap became frozen and locked away, never to return, because its polar icecaps never melt.
Today Mars is just one giant rocky desert. All the water is locked away at the poles, thanks to non-melting glaciers at the poles.
Posted by: basic_science | Dec 28, 2005 7:39:29 PM
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