For 2006: Feedback, Please!
This year's traffic, via sitemeter:
Okay, dear readers, I have some questions for you:
What improvements might you suggest for the Big Picture? Use the comments below to let loose a barrage of suggestions (except for the colors . . . they stay).
To get the ball rolling, what do you think about:
• More frequent, shorter posts vs. longer, less frequent discussions?
• More strictly business vs. more personal anecdotes?
• Broader subject matter versus more focused attention span?
• More or less of: digital issues, politics, science, religon, economics, philosophy, psychology, enterainment, research, other web sites, education, and markets?
Don't limit yourself to these ideas, but please use them as a leaping off point.
Okay, now its time for you to chime in. Between 6-11,000 of you come here each day (less on weekends, plus a significant (but uncountable) number of RSS readers. You collectively view between 9,000 - 16,000 pages on a typical week day.
I know you people have a lot to contribute, and are none to shy about expressing your are opinions in the comments; besides, I'm asking you for it. Don't be shy!
What say ye?
Friday, December 30, 2005 | 03:00 PM | Permalink
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I think the site really is great, although the searching function could use an upgrade. I should be able to search all the posts, rather than just by subject. If you CAN do this, Im not aware of it.
As for the posts, I think they are great and incredibly informative. It doesnt hurt that I agree with Barry's take on the markets and economy, but irrespective of that, the information is clear and concise and incredibly relevant.
Posted by: DG | Dec 30, 2005 3:21:42 PM
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