The Redesign
The and Real Money have completed a full redesign.
Note that Real Money now has "blogs."
Aside from RM (which is still kinda an alternative media), I'm not really sure what I think about the mainstream press -- i.e., NYT, CNBC -- blogging; It kinda misses the point of the small voice rising above the din via pure meritocracy. Compare that with, Hey, we have 1 million readers, come look at this.
I guess print has to do something to staunch the defection rate.
Anyway, have a gander at the new look:
click for larger screen grabs:
-- or just go here:
Saturday, January 21, 2006 | 06:43 PM | Permalink
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I view blogs as complementary to traditional media - not a substitute.
During breaking news, blogs may be quicker to cover stories than traditional media. Traditional media is kind of slow. If big news happens in my neighborhood, I or other bloggers will inevitably be there with a camera and tell the story. Sure, bloggers might not be given the access that other media are given. But at the earliest stages of breaking news, access is not always regulated.
Posted by: anon | Jan 21, 2006 10:47:28 PM
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