Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES on The Big Picture

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 | 09:01 AM

ScTechnical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine has an excessively nice review of The Big Picture in the July magazine, where your humble narrator gets favorably compared with James Cramer, and the blog itself gets kudos for its scope and breadth. 

Here's an excerpt:

"Ritholtz's The Big Picture is an excellent contribution to what are known to some in the blogosphere as "expert blogs." While blogs have gained notoriety for both sociopolitical commentary and a certain professional-caliber narcissism (the two not necessarily mutually exclusive), the expert blog phenomenon is one that must be applauded by all of us who have found ourselves subtly (or not so subtly) getting a greater degree of our news and opinion from places other than the traditional news media. Like widely respected Middle East historian Juan Cole on Iraq, or University of California at Berkeley economist Brad deLong on economics, Barry Ritholtz has used the blog form as a way of making his knowledge of the world of finance and market behavior accessible to any interested party with a web connection.

Cramer, Cole and DeLong:  Heady company to be compared to.

This paragraph very much resonated with me; I find it hard to recall how we invested and/or traded prior to the internet:

For those who have come of investing age during the information revolution of the past decade, it is hard to imagine how our trading predecessors managed without online brokers, real-time streaming quotes, fundamental corporate information within a mouse-click, and more technical analytical tools than keys on a grand piano. To that list, we can add the free insights available from men and women who for years have made the financial markets their home."

I am grateful and humbled by the review.

You can see the piece in its entirety here.   


Websites for Traders
David Penn
Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES, July 2006


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 | 09:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (22) | TrackBack (0) add to | digg digg this! | technorati add to technorati | email email this post



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Let me add my personal thanks to your good public review. Some of your daily commentaries have waked me up, and I'm OLD. When I first invested in the early 1970's I had to go in the brokers office the first few times to place orders. Finally I got permission from them to give verbal orders by phone to a particular account rep, since I travelled a lot. You had to read the paper to see stock prices at closing, and there was no "intraday" info easily available. S&P and Value Line reports were on paper and you had to go to the library to do research. Now I check Japanese and Brazilian stock prices directly in real time and so on. How far we've come, indeed. Thanks again.

Posted by: OldVet | Jun 28, 2006 9:27:20 AM

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