The Media Goes Blog Crazy!
We have previously discussed the MSM's tentative probes into blogging. We first looked at the WSJ's blogging moves, and then the NYT's foray.
Since then, we see a full array of additional bloggers have rolled forth. Barron's tech columnist Eric Savitz has a daily blog, TECH TRADER DAILY. Barron's has (so far) kept that out from behind the firewall. Most of the other WSJ blogs are behind firewalls (a mistake IMO)
Also blogging is a threesome from another Dow Jones property, Marketwatch:
Bambi's Blog by Bambi Francisco
Herb Greenberg's Market Blog
Frank Barnako's Media Blog
Lots of other mainstream journos have been blogging for quite some time. The San Jose Mercury News has had a tech blog for about 10 years (Good Morning Silicon Valley).
I used to think the NYT had the most blogs of any MSM outlet, but it looks like Businessweek has edged them out (although they do a good job hiding them):
• Auto Beat
• Blogspotting
• Brand New Day
• Byte of the Apple
• Deal Flow
• Economics Unbound
• Fine On Media
• Hot Property
• Investing Insights
• New Tech in Asia
• Nussbaum On Design
• Tech Beat
• Working Parents
Finally,'s Real Money has about a half dozen blogs, although I would hardly call TSCM mainstream media. Like the WSJ, theirs are also behind a subscription firewall.
So far, I think the NYT is doing the best job of all the major media with their blogging efforts -- but the WSJ is the dark horse. If they ever figure out what they want to do with their blog collection (I gave them lots of good advice for free here), and execute well, they could leapfrog the competition from the Times.
One of the few things besides p0rn that people are willinhg to pay for on the internet is financial info. This will be intereresting to see how it developes.
Thursday, June 22, 2006 | 10:00 AM | Permalink
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I don't watch these people on TV nor do I read their columns since they are usually behind the curve. Also because they are paid by the financial world for their opinion and they would probably lose their jobs if they expressed an honest one. They have been doing this (just like AJC) for most of their adult lives and probably have forgotten what the real world looks like.
I read places such as this, Trader X, Dr. Brett, Adams Options, Ron Sen's place, Tim Knights place and get a world of real time, actual tradable ideas both from them and their commenters.
In my honest opinion I think the MSM has missed the boat on blogs and there is absolutely no way I would waste a minute of my time on "the street" or Barrons or the especially detestable WSJ whose politics and financial interests are both wildly suspect. I followed those guys for years and went broke - when I stopped drinking the kool-aide I started making money.
Posted by: John | Jun 22, 2006 10:35:28 AM
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