Zune: mPod or iClod?
The incredible pace of innovations at Microsoft continues.
As the graphic at right imply, the new MP3 player from Microsoft essentially looks like an iPod, but with a bigger screen.
They called this latest in their series of original ideas the "Zune," but I prefer the name given it by Wired:
"Prior to Friday's announcement, some were calling the new device the "mPod" (Microsoft + iPod) killer. But given Microsoft's typically tone deaf approach to usability and Apple's market lead it will be a miracle if its next nickname isn't the "iClod" (iPod + clone + awful)."
I don't think that many people would agree that hardware or software or user experience or customer service is their strong suit; Business methods are Microsoft's forte.
Here's a run down on the Zune's rumored features:
- It would have wireless Internet capabilities, for downloading tracks directly to the device, according to Bloomberg News.
- The device could be launched by Christmas, although the company reportedly hadn't yet briefed key retailers as of last week, casting some doubt on that schedule, according to The New York Times.
- Led by Xbox executive J Allard, the project, code-named "Argo," reflects a broader strategy that would extend the Xbox brand into a variety of digital-media products, according to The Seattle Times.
- Microsoft may be considering giving people free alternative copies of tracks they've purchased from the iTunes Music Store, for use with the Microsoft device, to help convert iPod users, according to some reports.
- The final product name may be the "Zune," according to Gizmodo.
How do those guys at MSFT keep thinking these things up? Its astounding!
UPDATE July 25,2006 3:30pm
By popular demand: The parody -- done by Microsoft's own marketing team -- of how MSFT would have marketed the iPod:
Microsoft IPod 'Killer' Is Doomed
Eliot Van Buskirk
Wired, 02:00 AM Jul, 24, 2006
Microsoft's "Argo" / Xbox wireless portable media player
Ryan Block
Engadget, July 10th 2006 4:52PM
Microsoft Dubs Upcoming MP3 Player ‘Argo’ and Mimics iPod’s Design
David Silverberg
DigitalJournal.com, July 10th 2006 4:52PM
Tracking Microsoft's portable media device
Todd Bishop
Seattle Post Intelligencer, July 11, 2006 9:20 a.m.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 | 12:30 PM | Permalink
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Barry is that what it actually looks like? If so it says a great deal about microsoft. Invention or originality?? Scary that a company with that much loot could just be so, so, well crap.
Posted by: Si | Jul 25, 2006 12:42:11 PM
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