The Investor and the Hedge Fund Manager
A quick Friday joke:
The investor hands the hedge fund manager a £10 note.
"Get me a drink that meets my needs. If I like your choice, I'll buy the drinks all night" says investor before leaving for the toilet.
Confused by the demand, the hedge fund manager shrugs and orders them a pint of Guinness each.
The barman pours the drinks, takes the cash, and then tells the hedge fund manager "You should have got him a vodka."
"Really? Why vodka over Guinness?" ask the bemused fund manager?
"More transparency, greater liquidity" replies the barman.
Too late! The investor had already gone . . .
Friday, August 18, 2006 | 01:25 PM | Permalink
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What brand of Vodka was it ?
Posted by: Big Al | Aug 18, 2006 2:20:25 PM
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