Are You Missing the Real Estate Boom?
I criticized the NAR's Chief Economist Marketer David Lereah yesterday, and received a polite email (from a reader, not the NAR) asking why I was so disparaging.
Here's my answer:
Tuesday, September 26, 2006 | 10:23 AM | Permalink
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» Are You Missing the Real Estate Boom? 2.0 from The Big Picture
I stumbled across a fascinating new blog: David Lereah Watch. Here's the description:David Lereah is the Chief Economist and Senior VP of the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Mr. Lereah regulary makes statements regarding the housing bubble. The... [Read More]
Tracked on Oct 30, 2006 3:36:05 PM
We have a sudden change of tune it seems:
"If we have prices drop for the rest of the year and sales also continue to drop, then we will have a bad situation in housing of balloons popping rather than air coming out," Lereah said.
Posted by: ac | Sep 26, 2006 10:31:48 AM
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