Change in Dow Components
Mike Panzner on the Net change in the constituent members of the Dow from the January 14, 2000 record close through earlier today...
Dow Components
Eastman Kodak | -62.22% | [No longer in Dow] |
General Motors | -60.74% | |
Intel Corp | -60.18% | |
Microsoft Corp | -51.27% | |
Home Depot Inc | -41.21% | |
Merck & Co | -39.47% | |
Intl Paper Co | -38.47% | [No longer in Dow] |
Du Pont | -36.06% | |
Honeywell Intl | -31.31% | |
IBM | -31.19% | |
Alcoa Inc | -30.83% | |
General Electric | -29.46% | |
Coca-Cola Co | -26.62% | |
Wal-Mart Stores | -23.24% | |
AT&T Inc | -21.05% | |
Hewlett-Packard | -18.83% | |
Disney (Walt) Co | -7.43% | |
McDonalds Corp | -6.35% | |
JPMorgan Chase | -4.43% | |
****************************** | ||
Dow Jones Indus. Avg -0.12% | ||
****************************** | ||
Procter & Gamble | 7.72% | |
American Express | 19.73% | |
Citigroup Inc | 24.22% | |
Johnson&Johnson | 38.18% | |
3M Co | 50.67% | |
Exxon Mobil Corp | 59.09% | |
Boeing Co | 80.93% | |
United Tech Corp | 98.52% | |
Caterpillar Inc | 153.77% | |
Altria Group Inc | 220.83% | |
SBC Communication | [Now part of AT&T] |
What's amazing is that 20 of the 30 Dow Components are off their highs, and that so many of the them are WAY OFF their 2006 highs. Of the 20 Dow components that are below their 2000 peaks, 14 of those 20 off by more than 25%.
That is the nature of a price weighted index . . .
UPDATE: October 27, 2006 11:10am
Attention Slate readers: Be sure to also see our comparisons between the Dow vs Money Market since the market peak. You may be surprised to learn that since January 2000, cash (yes, cash) has outperformed the Dow.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006 | 12:21 PM | Permalink
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» Unimpressive from Bear Mountain Bull
Note to CNBC: As youre trying to cheer the Dow on to a new record close, you should probably drop that banner that says:
Only 10 of the Dow 30 higher since last record high.
It doesnt look good.
Update: At The Big Picture,... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 27, 2006 12:52:43 PM
» Contributors for the Dow's Recent Rise: Since January 14, 2000 from John Mugarian Investor Alert
I just received this e-mail from Barry Rritholtz at The Big Picture ( web log. Barry said; "We took apart the Dow yesterday -- see this": Click here to see the change in the Dow components: The Big Picture Thank... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 28, 2006 3:04:52 PM
» Dow components compared to all-time high from Kimmunications
I am on a plane, en route from Dallas to Atlanta. CNN was reporting the Dow was within just a few points and inching closer to its all-time high as I was getting on the plane. By now, it may [Read More]
Tracked on Oct 1, 2006 12:03:13 PM
How would one begin to factor in inflation, or relative strength of the dollar into these numbers?
Posted by: Paul Jones | Sep 27, 2006 12:58:34 PM
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