Dow 36,000!
James K. Glassman, the author of the book Dow 36,000 was on CNBC just now, credibly discussing his 36,000 forecast.
This one is so obvious, I will not even comment, and instead ask you: What do you suspect this might possibly mean?
Friday, September 29, 2006 | 02:49 PM | Permalink
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» 10-11-2006: Items of interest for the Family CFO from Kimmunications
Investing And Retirement In an effort to shore up U.S. workers' retirement savings, the Labor Department has proposed new rules making it easier for companies to automatically enroll employees in 401(k) and other retirement plans. Retirement policy thi... [Read More]
Tracked on Oct 11, 2006 10:06:11 AM
What was Rudolph-Younes Riad's brilliantly formulated description of investing in Barron's a couple of weeks ago? A combination of dogmatism and pragmatism. I didn't see the CNBC interview, but when the market crashed, these guys pragmatically lowered their profiles. Now that we're closing in on the old highs, at least in nominal terms, they're pragmatically reasserting the old dogma! I think they're on to something this time. Dow 36000. With all that buying power sitting on the sidelines, with all those hedgies needing to make their years, and justify their existences, we get there by year end. First quarter 2007, latest.
Posted by: Scott Frew | Sep 29, 2006 3:02:37 PM
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