Mac Question
I have a Dell in the office, and at home, I have a G5 iMac -- ita about 2 years old, and it is the pre-Intel line (Motorola chip), with a 1.5G of ram.
Anytime I "push it" -- run a lot of apps at once, or any video or iTunes music, the internal fan spools up. It sounds like a 747 at JFK waiting for takeoff clearance. (Safari is an entirely different disaster, generating a spinning beach ball whenever I have a few windows open).
Its been like that since day one, and ts beginning to drive me a bit batty . . .
Any ideas about how easy it is to swap this out? Is this an ordeal, or can I do it myself (I've swapped ram and hard drives in the past)
Wednesday, January 31, 2007 | 12:45 PM | Permalink
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I have the same problem, though generally the Mac works great, best one I've even run.
As far as Safari, I've stop using it completely for the reasons you cite. I've moved to Firefox with no problems at all and it is now my default browser.
Posted by: angryinch | Jan 31, 2007 1:08:30 PM
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