Talking Infectious Greed with Paul
I am still on the Left Coast, enjoying 68 degrees and sunny weather. If I can, I'll get a few pics up.
Yesterday, I had a nice breakfast meeting with Paul Kedrosky, all around raconteur and host of Infectious Greed. As soon as we finished breakfast, I was off on a day of coastal vistas and site seeing. He beat me to the punch on posting.
San Diego has a pretty vibrant VC community, and Paul is an active member. We discussed everything from Herb's blog to Neighberoo to LCD panel hypergrowth to CNBC's programming.
If you have any interest in how VC's work to Web 2.0 to tech issues, then check out Infectious Greed.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 | 06:24 AM | Permalink
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Pipes in Cardiff (or is it Encinitas?) is an awesome local spot for breakfast.
Posted by: Chief Tomahawk | Feb 21, 2007 9:56:23 AM
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