Media Appearance: Kudlow & Company (6/27/07)
Its the regular appearance on Kudlow tonite:
On board tonight: Fritz Meyer (A I M Advisors), Kevin Divney (CIO, Putnam Investments).
We will be covering the recent market activity, including Oil (closed at +$1.20 at $69), Bear Stearns hedge fund issues, & S.E.C. Chair Cox investigation into CDO and mark-to-model hedge fund pricing.
Should be interesting . . .
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 | 04:15 PM | Permalink
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Typical Barry Ritholtz interview on Kudlow & Co.
Larry: “Barry Ritholtz, you’re a permabear…why do you hate America?”
Barry: “Larry, I don’t hate America…43% of stocks decline…”
Larry interrupting: “But don’t you agree that this economy is the greatest story never told??”
Barry: “Larry, the sub prime lending market is imploding…I'm worried about....”
Larry interrupting: “But Barry, housing stocks are up over 50% year-to-date, housing is rebounding, don’t you agree?”
Barry: “Larry, the 10 year Treasury…”
Larry interrupting: “Barry, the 10 year doesn’t mean anything….It’s the low inflation rate, strong job growth, and today, the stock market set yet another record…”
Barry: “Larry, the CPI is a fictional creation of the…..”
Larry interrupting: “Oh, Barry Ritholtz, that’s why we love you. We gotta go now…And that’s why, I believe, this economy is the greatest story never told…”
Posted by: Christopher Laudani | Jun 27, 2007 4:32:19 PM
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