Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave . . .
When we practise to blog! (With all due apologies to Sir Walter Scott).
This very cool java app is a relational toy from Touchgraph. They use Google's network of connectivity between websites to display what sites you are connected to:
I get different responses depending upon whether I use the top level URL (http://bigpicture.typepad.com/) or the sub-levels (Real Estate, Economy, etc.)
This is the bigpicture.typepad.com/comments. Note the middle left side purple are DRM/digital media related links, while the bottom center green all Housing related. Economics gets kinda buried in the center pile.
(FYI: I seem to make it crash every 3rd request, but I run a dozen apps at once . . .)
Years ago, I looked at a very cool software company that did something very similar to this. Gotta dig that up . . .
via Econbrowser
Here's what the top level URL (bigpicture.typepad.com) generates:
Note all the econ stuff is the lower center green sector
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 | 11:28 AM | Permalink
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Yes indeed..... I wonder if a similar graph can be made for derivativess....
Ouch....! Dat derre dollar is taking it in the cojones today... I wonder what Mr. Bernake can tell us that the market is not already saying.....?
Posted by: ECONOMISTA NON GRATA | Jul 10, 2007 12:11:41 PM
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