Mashup: Cramer/Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now (No Idea Mix)
I've always had a lot of respect for Jim Cramer: He had the foresight to recognize the seismic shift from print to online long before the rest of the MSM did. His accomplishments starting, building it up, taking it public are well known, as are his exploits as a fund manager.
The thing I respect most about Cramer is that he says things that most other people don't have the balls to even acknowledge -- forget announcing them on national TV. And as the comments on the post on his rant reveal, so too, do a lot of other people.
However, this free-wheeling, no editor, say-anything approach can run into amusing or embarrassing moments, especially when Jim's off the cuff commentary goes over the top -- as we saw in his rant on CNBC on Friday. In that post, I said I expected some smart young DJ would use Cramer's rant in a mashup.
I present to you Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now (No Idea Mix) by DJ FiniFinito.
You can download it, or play it here:
Crystal Method Right Here, Right Now Bill Poole No Idea_mix.mp3
UPDATE August 6, 2007 6:31am
Another remix: Speak Softly.mp3
If the creator of this would email me, I can give appropriate credit
Sunday, August 05, 2007 | 07:24 AM | Permalink
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Let me be the first to say (I hope) that I am: destroyed, devastated, incapacitated, paralyzed and in every way possible z-o-n-e-d with laughter so bad I need to call 9-1-1. I need oxygen!... I may not survive this!
I can't get my breath, Barringo!
Posted by: Eclectic | Aug 5, 2007 8:44:08 AM
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