Media Appearance: Kudlow & Company (8/23/07)
With Larry on Vacation, Bob Pisani is filling in as anchorman. So we have what looks like an interesting show from 5pm to 5:45pm on CNBC: Along with your humble blogger, there is Circle T Partner's Seth Tobias, and UPenn/Wharton
The discussion will cover the Fed, Countrywide/Bank of America, and today's messy reversal.
To say the least, it should be interesting. And with Pisani hosting K&C tonite, I am expecting to be able finish my sentences . . . ; )
Thursday, August 23, 2007 | 04:30 PM | Permalink
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Barry - you'll like
The ZunePhone
As the post says, "this phone is pretty much what you'd expect from Microsoft-- a blatant copy, only done messier, tackier, and much, much later.
Posted by: fatbear | Aug 23, 2007 5:18:28 PM
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