78 Years Ago Today: The New Yorker
I was kicking around the New Yorker cartoon bank when I stumbled across this interesting New Yorker August 31, 1929 cover print by Theodore G. Haupt (98 78 years ago today!)
After an amazing five-year run that saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) increase in value fivefold -- far more than the run from 2003 til now -- prices peaked at 381.17 on September 3, 1929, about the time when this cover came out:
Remember, the real mayhem wasn't until a few months later -- Black Thursday, the initial crash was on October 24th, 1929, and Black Tuesday was 5 days later -- October 29th, 1929.
UPDATE: August September 1, 2007 7:55am
Doh! So much for 14 years of applied mathematics!
I blame fat thumbs on that one -- either that, or smoking way too much dope in college . . .
UPDATE: September 2, 2007 7:15am
Oh, and speaking of innumeracy . . .
Friday, August 31, 2007 | 02:30 PM | Permalink
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I did fairly well in my college math courses, so I can say with a reasonable amount of confidence that your math is off a bit....68 years ago.
Posted by: Shannon | Aug 31, 2007 2:23:47 PM
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