Media Appearance: Kudlow & Company (9/27/07)
Tonite is Kudlow & Co. from 5:00pm to 5:30pm or so, on CNBC.
In addition to your humble scribe, John Rutledge, Joe Battipaglia and Jason Trennert are part of our calvacade of white men.
On a related note, CNBC is doing something that I have long been advocating for: Moving some shows around so as to better match up the content with the most suitable time slot and appropriate audiences.
Starting October 10th, Kudlow & Company moves to 7:00pm. That will allow the first half of the show to be economic/stock focused, and put the political/policy half of the show closer to Prime Time.
At the same Time, Fast Money moves to 5:00 pm: Its a more trading oriented show, and their audience is still sitting at the desks and turrets wrapping up the day.
Given the coming competition, this is a good move. I expect to see more tinkering with the CNBC line up in the coming weeks . . .
Thursday, September 27, 2007 | 04:15 PM | Permalink
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I'll be watching! You and Joe B. on the same show? My 2 favorite realists!!! I daytrade ES futs... and i got to tell you, i get a real uneasy feeling this week. Just seems like market coiling up for something. Might even pop up to new highs... oh the fools!! Have a great show tonight BR.
Posted by: Brian B. | Sep 27, 2007 4:27:41 PM
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