Buy a Miami Condo by the Inch
Here's a clever if desperate way to sell a condo:
"Believe it or not I am going to try to sell my condo one square inch at a time. So what do you get when you buy a ‘link unit‘? Well, I will send you a beautiful certificate which you can frame and put on your wall. Plus, you’ll get a link from my website. I’ll buy the shares back when and if I sell the condo."
Um, while I will pass, 1,971 have already made their $35.50 purchases. Just 8,029 to go!
Thursday, October 11, 2007 | 11:33 AM | Permalink
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people think that the housing market is bad now?? wait until Jan-Feb......We are only warming up at this point.
If market (housing) does'nt pick up in the coming spring then you can kiss it off until 2009 at the earliest.
But lets send the market up almost a hundy points because Wal-Mart found yet another way to celebrate higher food costs while cutting labor costs, again.
Sounds like a great growth story to me......
Posted by: michael schumacher | Oct 11, 2007 11:52:48 AM
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