Return of the Spam Stock Tracker
A few years ago, we noted with wry amusement Joshua Cyr's Spam Stock Tracker. Well, Josh is back with an updated version that is worth your while to check out.
A few items worth noting:
1st, the site has ads, and I got a kick out of how unintelligent the Google AI is for serving ads on the site -- all penny stock promoters! So much for machine intelligence.
But for a bigger laugh, the numbers since back in 2005 are pretty astonishing:
Total Cash Outlay: $70,987.00
Total Value as of 10.2.2007: $4,917.70
Net Profit: - ($66,069.30)
That's a total return of negative 93.07%!
Thursday, October 04, 2007 | 04:19 PM | Permalink
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» Sector Rotation and ETF's: The Need for a System from A Dash of Insight
We are attempting to comment weekly, each Thursday night, on the subject of system trading. We are using our own TCA-ETF model as an example, mostly because things are easier to see when the illustrations are clear. We expect the [Read More]
Tracked on Oct 4, 2007 10:49:52 PM
» Spam-Aktien from Blogrolle
Eine Spam-Mail:
Die fr Montag angepriesene Aktie verdient wohl eher keine Kaufempfehlung. Mit Fearless Intl Inc geht es an der Brse eigentlich nur bergab
Joshua Cyr hat ein Spam-Mail-Aktienportfolio angelegt - natrlich nur ei... [Read More]
Tracked on Oct 6, 2007 8:53:40 PM
I will mention here what I suggested to Josh several years ago: what happens if you employ some reasonable trading rules, such as stops at 5-10 down and profit taking at 10-20 and 50 % up?
It would be interesting to see those numbers.
Posted by: Todd Mentch | Oct 4, 2007 4:43:09 PM
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