Quote of the Day: Malpass (WTF?) on the Dollar
In the WSJ Op-ed section today, David Malpass seems to be having a hard time figuring out why the Greenback is in trouble.
He's our Quote of the Day:
"Dollar weakness is neutralizing the positive effects of the Federal Reserve's interest-rate cuts."
As the dollar spirals downward, weakened by Washington's indifference and market expectations of more rate cuts, liquidity drains from the U.S. into inflation hedges like gold and, in the case of entrepreneurship and risk-taking capital, to countries with strengthening currencies. This drain undercuts the growth impact of the Fed's recent rate cuts, complicating the recovery from the August credit-market turbulence. Question: What's harder to sell than a complex loan during a credit crunch? A dollar-denominated one."
No, no, no, no, no!
Its not the that Fed cuts are being neutalized by the weak dollar -- its the Fed cuts are CAUSING THE WEAK DOLLLAR.
(Yes, I am getting shrill)
Lifelines for the Drowning Dollar
WSJ, November 9, 2007; Page A19
Friday, November 09, 2007 | 11:30 AM | Permalink
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Thank you. See also Krugman yesterday on the same issue.
It's really hard for me to call what you do a blog as it's so far from the random musings of a not totally engaged mind. It's more like an informed commentary that continues to remind us that things happen not for arbitrary reasons but because there really are rules out there - like gravity - that drive stuff.
Thanks again
Posted by: alnval | Nov 9, 2007 11:41:47 AM
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