Thanksgiving Inflation: 11%
"A Thanksgiving Day turkey dinner with side dishes and dessert will be 11% more expensive this year, the biggest annual increase since 1990, because of depleted frozen-turkey supplies and rising energy prices.
The average cost of 12 items typically served during the Nov. 22 holiday in the U.S. rose to $42.26 from $38.10 last year, the American Farm Bureau Federation said Thursday."-American Farm Bureau Federation
Here's the kicker: "Adjusted for inflation, the cost is $20.46, about 9% less than in the first survey in 1986."
Why do I suspect no one really believes that?
The American
Farm Bureau Federation Turkey Dinner
I don't what family of 10 they think they are gonna feed with that short list (12 OZ cranberries? A pound of peas?)
Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Dinner Cost Inches Higher This Year
November 15, 2007
Turkey dinner to cost you 11% more
Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg News
November 16, 2007,1,1421112.story
Thursday, November 22, 2007 | 08:30 AM | Permalink
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Tracked on Nov 28, 2007 2:25:44 PM
Well, the drop in corn lately won't help you this year. That gobbler you're eating today gobbled up older higher priced corn:
Posted by: Eclectic | Nov 22, 2007 8:57:21 AM
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