Plasma Screen Bargains: 50" Panasonic 1080p
You may recall when I was shopping for flat screens, Best Buy was advertising the Panasonic 50" TH-50PZ77U at $1799, but refused to honor that price, claiming it was a money losing typo. (See Inconvenienced By Best Buy! for the details). Their price was an absurd $2,899.99 -- $100 over list.
This ultimately sent me into the arms of the delightful Pioneer Elite FHD1 (at a great price, thanks to a friend in the audio business) for a joint B-day/Xmas gift.
I noticed just before the holidays that J&R Music was advertising that very same Panasonic -- the TH-50PZ77U 50" Class 1080p Plasma Flat Panel TV and HDTV -- for 1749.99 after $200 rebate. By way of comparison, the same set is $2119 at, far below the Best Buy pricing.
Talk about compartmentalizing: As an investor, Best Buy (BBY) is one of the few non luxe stores that is doing well.
But as a consumer, I continue to happily find alternatives to Best Buy -- especially after reading articles like this one).
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 | 12:15 PM | Permalink
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Oh yeah?...
...If they sprinkled poison pixie dust at the BB, you'd be one dead fairy within a week.
BR: Not me! If I am there more than 3X a year, its a lot . . .
(Statistically, more like 4 months -- and that assumes no clean up)
Posted by: Eclectic | Dec 25, 2007 12:51:36 PM
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