High Cost of Living Extremely Well Index
The Rich really are different -- as today's chart porn reveals.
It has to do with inflation -- the High Cost of Living Extremely Well Index. It turns out that this HCLEWI has been skyrockting, as the chart below, courtesy of Forbes, shows:
This is but one of a very cool collection of charts in a book I happened across in Barnes & Noble yesterday: All the Money in the World.
Chock full of "Infographics," it is a look at the lives,
culture, and financial habits of the unbelievably rich.
The book delves into the Forbes 400 -- businessmen and women, sports
stars, entertainment figures and wealthy heirs all get profiled in
gritty but fascinating detail.
"blue collar billionaires," "West Coast money," "giving it away" and, naturally, "power and politics."
There's several more graphics at Amazon
All the Money in the World: How the Forbes 400 Make--and Spend--Their Fortunes
Wednesday, December 19, 2007 | 11:10 AM | Permalink
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That looks like a fun read, thanks for pointing it out.
Posted by: zot23 | Dec 19, 2007 11:21:53 AM
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