Kudlow: Possibility of a Mild Recession
On Kudlow's show Wednesday night, he admitted to the possibility of a mild recession. (UPDATE: see Kudlow 101: Recession Watch)
Some of the commentors around here bust on Larry. I am obviously biased, as he has been very kind and generous to me over the years. Even though we disagree about most things -- from the economy to politics to reading the market -- we do so in a good natured, non-Ben Steinian way. And I see the difference between his on-camera character (all bluss and blunder) and his off camera persona (a pussycat).
I perceive my role on the show as a reality based counter weight to the more hallucinogenic guests. And to be blunt, the show suffers when someone -- be it me, Kass, Herb, etc. -- does not fill that role.
But to the uninitiated, Larry can make you crazy. Back in the 1990s, most savvy players knew how to "read" analyst spin. Strong Buy = Buy, Hold = Sell, etc. Like back then, the secret is understanding how to translate from Larry-speak to modern English. Hence, to get the most out of Kudlow & Company, you need a language guide. Try using the following:>
The Modern Kudlow To Standard English Translation Guide
Kudlowism | Modern Translation |
“The Greatest Story Never Told” |
Early stages of a normal economic expansion |
"Goldilocks Economy" |
Latter stages of expansion; cracks in the façade are beginning to show |
“A possibility of Recession exists” |
The recession has already begun |
“A Mild Recession” | We are in a broad and deep recession |
“We are in a serious recession” | Stock up on canned food, bottled water and handgun ammo |
“I don’t see how this can get any worse” | BUY! |
Friday, February 08, 2008 | 11:39 AM | Permalink
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Another one:
"There ain't no recession" = "The recession begins right around......NOW".
Seriously, look at the date of this call. Hilarious:
Posted by: E | Feb 8, 2008 11:56:26 AM
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