Buying Bear's HQ
During Friday's live blogging of the Bear Stearns collapse, I casually mentioned their HQ. In the heat of the moment, I said something snarky and rather sarcastic:
10:56: My office is 2 blocks from Bear's HQ. I should walk over and make a bid for their building, which is really nice.
That's the beauty of the internet -- you never know where whatever it is you are saying might get picked up and reproduced. To wit: Marketwatch:
I walk by their building just about every day -- and it is really nice. But, truth be told, I was joking -- we simply do not need all that much space . . .
Saturday, March 15, 2008 | 04:00 PM | Permalink
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The real hazard to our financial system is the failure of institutions to increase their liquidity reserves to account for monumental increase in derivative risk exposure. This risk will cascade through our financial system faster than fecal matter through a goose's intestinal tract.
Posted by: Tom | Mar 15, 2008 4:06:59 PM
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