Changes in US Withholding Taxes
Matt Trivisonno, a software developer in Miami Beach who follows the market, has come up with a neat way to track changes in the Federal Government's witholding tax receipts.
After being rangebound for the prior 4 years, the year-over-year growth in withholding began rolling over in Q4 of 2007 -- a possible date marking the beginning of the current recession:
click thru for larger graph
Source: Matt Trivisonno's Blog
Note that withholding comes directly from Wages and Income, and would likely precede major shifts in consumer spending or credit.
See also:
In Debt Crisis, Uncle Sam Is Piling It On
Mark Gongloff
WSJ, March 24, 2008; Page C1
Monday, March 24, 2008 | 07:12 AM | Permalink
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What do the numbers on the side of the chart represent?
Posted by: OkieLawyer | Mar 24, 2008 7:46:03 AM
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