Kudlow Appearance (3/26/08)
Here are tonite's appearance:
I sure wish CNBC would get hip to embeddable flash media, like BrightCove. The klunky old windows media players crash all the time. (I don't understand why they went with this 10 year old technology).
Stocks for the Long Run
click for klunky old windows media player:
Transports and Agricultural Commodities, Coal and Energy
click for klunky old windows media player:
Larry's Big Intro, and Prof Jeremy Siegel
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 | 09:42 PM | Permalink
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Stop nodding when Kudlow talks--it makes you look like his bitch--and, you're not. Also, call him out on his right wing insanity--without regulation, adequate taxation, and protectionism, we are approaching a new depression. Put another way, the sh*t is already on the fan and Kudlow wants to continue the same policies--and you nod in agreement.
Posted by: Mel | Mar 26, 2008 10:24:51 PM
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