Why Can't I Rip DVDs to My iPod?
This is my annoyance of the moment: Why are DVDs a DRM-locked proprietary platform? When I purchase one, why can't I use this on a convenient, portable device such as my iPod?
What a pain in the arse it is to rip a DVD: Frist, you need to use several products (MP4 Converter, Handbrake, Ripper); 2nd, it takes forever. 3rd, and its illegal to do so.
What brought this about recently was The Simpson's Movie -- actually, more of an extended 90 minute episode. I saw it with my nephews (with me snoozing thru parts of it).
However, going through the extras, I started listening to producer/writer commentary. Unbelievably entertaining stuff, like a terrific radio show with several very funny people cracking each other up. I would have liked to put on the iPod for the train, but no such luck.
I can rip the basic movie, but not the special audio commentary. Anyone have a clue how to do that?
The Complete Guide to Converting DVDs to iPod Format
Jerrod Hofferth
iLounge, November 21, 2005
Rip DVDs To Your Mac To View On AppleTV And iPod.
Alexis Kayhill
Mac360, Friday, April 13, 2007
Wednesday, March 05, 2008 | 06:30 PM | Permalink
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Here, I think, is a really time consuming and unwieldy way. Rip a DVD using mactheripper, then burn a DVD using a DVD burner like Roxio's popcorn, which should allow you to select your language (I'm guessing the commentary would be encoded like an alternative language would be). Then rip this DVD using handbrake direct to an mp4 file and load onto your ipod. You'll have the video there too, mind, and you may even have broken the law twice, but it would work. Handbrake might have a more elegant solution, but I'm suggesting this from memory.
Posted by: Gari N. Corp | Mar 5, 2008 6:48:54 PM
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