High Gas Prices? Try a Segway!
With high gasoline prices and a slowing economy, Americans are looking for transportation alternatives for getting to and from work. The once-maligned Segway is getting a second look:
"The two-wheeled Segway, a self-balancing vehicle that runs on a rechargeable battery, debuted amid massive hype in 2001. Tech icons like Steve Jobs, Apple Inc.'s chief executive officer, and Amazon.com Inc. CEO Jeff Bezos predicted it would change the way people lived. But critics panned the high-tech scooter for its $5,000 price tag and portrayed it as a toy for geeks and the rich. Some cities banned it from sidewalks because of safety concerns...
Today, the Segway is gaining converts. It plugs into a standard electrical outlet and can get up to 25 miles per charge."
Cool beans!
Segway Glides as Gasoline Jumps (Free WSJ)
Maligned Scooter Winning New Fans; $5,000 Price Tag
WSJ, June 16, 2008; Page B2
Thursday, June 19, 2008 | 03:30 AM | Permalink
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High tech/expensive junk is a poor substitute for the good health and civility created by simply walking and cycling.
Posted by: Jack | Jun 19, 2008 4:29:08 AM
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