Gone Fishin!
I am outta here, off to the big Kansas City Shadow Fed/Maine Fishing Trip.
Last year's trip was a blast, and you can see some of the photos and discussions here: Kansas City Shadow Fed / Maine Fishing Trip Recap. Barron's carried some of the details in Placid Times Ahead?
I understand some interesting guests are going to show -- Paul McCulley, Steve Liesman, and others. I have my camera, and I will run plenty of snaps.
I have a bunch of posts set to launch, and I expect to comment tomorrow on NFP data.
Kansas City Shadow Fed / Maine Fishing Trip Recap (July 24, 2007)
Placid Times Ahead?
Barrons AUGUST 6, 2007
Placid Times Ahead? PDF
Thursday, July 31, 2008 | 04:30 PM | Permalink
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Have a great time, tell McCulley Schumpeter kicks Keynes' behind for me.
Posted by: CNBC Sucks | Jul 31, 2008 4:44:31 PM
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