Incredible Statistic: Mutual Fund Performance
"Out of almost 2,100 diversified retail U.S. stock mutual funds that are open to new investors, just 17 have positive returns for both the past 12 months and year-to-date, according to investment researcher Morningstar Inc."
That's amazing.
Up and away: Eaton Vance's Tooke is that rare stock-fund manager still in the plus column
Jonathan Burton
MarketWatch, 5:22 p.m. EDT Aug. 27, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008 | 03:00 PM | Permalink
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As Jeff Saut says, this is a trader's mkt. Investors (like me) are having a tough time of it this yr. Even Heebner (CGM) is down so far YTD for Focus fund, I believe. Good year for a good FoF, commodities, and cash... We may see some improvement up to Nov. elections, but I'm in the J. Grantham camp in that I don't expect improvement until 2010. So goes housing, so goes the nation... Good luck to all. ps: CPI & Q2 GDP are obviously fudged. Need accurate metrics.
Posted by: fudged_numbers | Aug 28, 2008 3:12:21 PM
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