Shiller: House Price Decline Could Be Worse than Depression
Shiller's main points:
• Home price declines are already approaching those in the Great Depression, when they plunged 30% during the 1930s. With prices already down almost 20%, it's not a stretch to think we might exceed that drop this time around.
• There are about 10 million homeowners whose debt is higher than their home value, which has broad implications for how Americans feel about their wealth and spending habits (read: more pressure on consumer spending).
• The current hopeful consensus -- that house prices will bottom soon and then begin to recover -- is most likely a dream. Housing markets don't usually have "V-shaped" recoveries. And even if house prices stabilize in nominal terms, after adjusting for inflation, most homeowners will continue to lose money.
U.S. House Price Decline Could Be Worse than Great Depression, Economist Shiller Says
Henry Blodget
Yahoo Tech Ticker, Sep 04, 2008 01:36pm EDT
Friday, September 05, 2008 | 12:30 AM | Permalink
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I think that most people STILL believe that housing is a GREAT investment. I honestly believe that we will not see the bottom of this until at least half say 'Screw it, housing is a losing proposition.'
That would be the official end of the irrational exuberance, at least in that asset class...
Posted by: HCF | Sep 5, 2008 12:40:29 AM
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