Volcker: Rebuild U.S. Banks From 'Ground Up'
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and Nobel economics laureates Robert Mundell and Joseph Stiglitz participate in a Women's Economic Round Table discussion in New York about the global financial crisis, the outlook for the U.S. economy and the government's financial-rescue plan:
Teresa Tritch, a member of the board of editors of the New York Times, moderates. Heidi Hartman, president of the Institute for Women's policy research, and Marina Whitman, a professor at the University of Michigan, also speak.
00:00:00 Tritch introduces roundtable participants.
00:01:28 Mundell: current crisis vs. Great Depression
00:05:33 Mundell: need to reduce corporate taxes
00:08:05 Volcker: financial crisis "without precedent"
00:14:48 Volcker: rebuild U.S. banks from "ground up"
00:19:56 Stiglitz: "long, deep downturn" in economy
00:21:34 Stiglitz: government response, bank rescue
00:33:30 Questions: Volcker, Mundell on world currency
00:44:29 Participants on fiscal stimulus, U.S. deficit
00:57:55 Stiglitz on government regulation, innovation
01:00:46 Volcker, Mundell, Stiglitz on global currency
01:07:18 Participants make summary remarks.
Running time 01:19:59
Volcker Says U.S. in Midst of `Unprecedented' Financial Crisis
Anthony Massucci
Bloomberg, Oct. 22 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008 | 12:00 AM | Permalink
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I suppose I should be more impressed by Stiglitz than I am?
Posted by: Max | Oct 24, 2008 12:28:09 AM
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