Thursday, January 22, 2004



A new "adult search engine" called "Booble," just popped up. The name and logo should look somewhat familiar to you; So should the "I'm feeling playful" button.

It's essentially parallel in look and feel to Google. Just substitute the letter "b" for "g" and there's your logo. The site owners should expect a letter from Google's legal counsel any day.

If I represented the search engine giant, instead of sending the standard boring trademark infringment letter, I would have some fun with the case. How often do you get to sue a porn related site? I imagine the money shot would look something like this:


We represent Google Corporation ("Google") in trademark matters. Google owns numerous U.S. and foreign federal trademark and copyright registrations for the famous Google logo design. Your site makes unauthorized use of our client's widely recognized name and trademarks.

Your site is an adult search engine. As such, we assume you are familiar with the plot line of the film "Back Door Bandits." Congratulations! You've just won the lead role in "Back Door Bandits 2." Enclosed please find a complimentary matching velcro glove and sock set for your role in the film . . .

Who said litigation wasn't any fun?

via linkfilter

Posted at 07:25 AM in Web/Tech | Permalink


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i like it

Posted by: beeny | Nov 4, 2005 7:12:09 PM

i like thes

Posted by: beeny | Nov 4, 2005 7:23:28 PM

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