Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Grey Tuesday
Today is Grey Tuesday. There are online protests to "Free the Grey Album." (We've previously noted the story of the Grey Album).
Be sure to go to GreyTuesday.org to check out why the music industry is abusing copyright laws to restrict artists freedom to create new music.
UPDATE: 02/25/04 5:53 am
Grey Tuesday was a smashing success. In addition to over 400 sites hosting the album, there was substantial mediacoverage, including the NY Times, BBC, and E!. Downhillbattle has a full post mortem.
Defiant Downloads Rise From Underground http://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/25/arts/music/25REMI.html
Beatles remix web protest
Grey Tuesday: Copyright or Wrong? http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/0,1,13563,00.html?tnews
greytuesday via illegal-art.org
Posted at 03:01 PM in Music, Politics, The Beatles | Permalink
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