Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The iGasm

Amusing new toy from the Popular British high-street sex shop Ann Summers: The iGasm

Igasm_1305COMPUTER giants Apple are really worked up—over an Ann Summers sex toy that hooks up to your iPod.

Women all over Britain are saying yes, yes, yes to the £30 iGasm that plugs into a music player and delivers good vibrations that pulse to the beat.  The neon-pink ads feature a curvaceous girl with wires coming OUT of her MP3 player and INTO her knickers. And it's definitely turned on. The sales guff teases: "Go at it hard and fast with a pounding drum 'n' bass track or chill with ambient classic."

But shocked iPod bosses are iRate—demanding stores take down all posters for the gadget or risk a fight in the iCourt. Apple lawyers claim the poster is a blatant rip-off of their own famous silhouette images used to flog iPods. Their legal letter to the shop chain adds: "We hope this request to remove it immediately will prevent us having to consider further action."

Despite that, Ann Summers boss Jacqueline Gold is saying no, no, no and joked: "Perhaps I can send them an iGasm to put a smile back on their faces!"

Looks like this requires some more study . . .


By Polly Graham
News of the World,   

Posted at 06:08 AM in Web/Tech | Permalink


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