Saturday, September 20, 2008
Cool site: is an information location tool similar to Google® and Yahoo!® but devoted entirely to the world of music. Our purpose is to help you find and enjoy music legally throughout the web in the same way that other search engines help you find webpages, images, and other media, but we also add a social /community twist. We make it easy for you to create playlists, share your playlists with friends, and browse playlists of others. We connect you with the coolest music on the web, and we connect people who are passionate about music. Music is burgeoning on the web. Increasingly, artists, record companies, music bloggers, music websites and music critics are uploading music files to websites that they control for promotional or other legal purposes. Our mission at Project Playlist, Inc. is to organize this rapidly growing abundance of legal music on the web for the benefit of the worldwide music community – artists, songwriters, music distributors, and listeners alike. Our view is that the more people share their individual passion for music by sharing playlists, the more music will be created, and the more the entire music industry will grow.